Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Virginia Vacation, Part 5: Norfolk Arts

While staying at Virginia Beach for 8 nights, we made several forays into Norfolk (about 30 min away by car) - which has several attractions for those who love arts, animals, ships, maritime history, and Jewish history. I will cover them in no particular order.

Let's start with a photo taken on the day we first visited the Chrysler Museum of Arts. It was the day after the tropical storm Michael visited Norfolk, so some street flooding was still evident.

We made several visits to the Chrysler Museum of Arts - it is free, subsidized by the Chrysler Foundation. I highly recommend the museum itself - small but very well organized, with thoughtful curator comments and interesting juxtapositions. I also highly recommend their restaurant for lunch.

Besides paintings, the museum has a wonderful glass collection. Among it, we found this amazing chess set by Gianni Tosso, an Italian artist.

The chess pieces are made in the form of Jewish and Roman Catholic religious figures, each holding their respective symbols of faith, including crosses, thuribles, Torahs, shofarim, lulavim, and so on. Here is a close-up of the Jewish crowd:

And this is a look at the Christian side:

We later double-checked, and yes, we did see another chess set by the same artist at the Corning Glass Museum in 2009. It is very similar, but the colors are different.

Next to the museum is a working glass studio, where you can sign up for classes and attend free glass-blowing demonstrations. Here is the one we saw.

At which point the assistant took the vase and put it in the kiln (to cool off gradually) and the demonstration was over.

> Part 6

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