Sunday, September 29, 2024


We had a direct flight from Boston to Zurich, arrived right on schedule - before noon - but then had to spend 2 hours in line at the airport. They do not accept US passports as biometric - only the EU ones - so everybody else had to queue up in one very long line. All the cross-Atlantic flights arrive at about the same time in the morning, so you can imagine the line, and they have only a couple of booths open, because they don't care. That's a direct quote, because on the way back - same system, the two entry booths are now wide open, no line, but a loooong line to exit the country - we saw two women run up to a closed booth, which had a clerk inside, and frantically beg him to take their passports and let them through, their plane is leaving! - and he just said: "I don't care." So keep in mind, if you have a misfortune to fly out of Switzerland, come to the airport with plenty of time to spare.

Anyway, by the time we finally got processed and walked to our hotel (15 minutes by foot from the train station), it was 2pm and the room was fortunately ready. (Normally, check-in time is at 3 pm, but if the room is ready, they let you go right away - and if not, they are willing to store your luggage.) We freshened up, left everything but the camera, and went out again to explore the city. And eat. Breakfast on the plane was very pathetic and a very long time ago by now.

Zurich is a very nice city situated along a river, which flows into a lake. So first we walked along the river, stopping to eat and enjoy the sights.

The two-headed cathedral in the distance is called Grossmünster. We didn't go inside.

University of Zurich, where Churchill gave his famous “Let Europe arise!” speech in 1946 (with a memorial plaque on the pavement in front)...

... and this is the close-up view of the plaque.

Another iconic Zurich church, Fraumünster. Here we did go inside, because it has stained-glass windows by Chagall.

There are 5 total. This is the first, leftmost one...

... then there are three together on the far wall...

... and the final, fifth, one on the right.

We didn't take pictures during lunch, because we were very hungry and stopped at the first place that offered food on the river bank - some unmemorable ravioli, nothing special. But then we treated ourselves to coffee and cake further down along the Limmat river.

We walked all the way down to the lake and along the shore a little bit. 

There is a pretty fountain, but once we realized it is in the lake - so we won't be able to come close to it anyway, we decided to turn back. By then, we were pretty tired. We walked back to our hotel, rested a bit, and then went out to dinner.

For dinner, we picked Rooftop, an Asian fusion restaurant. We didn't get a table outside - the place was packed, we were lucky to get a table inside - it still had a nice view. Here are the cocktails...

... here is the food...

... this is the view down from the terrace...

... and this is the sunset.

Overall, a very successful first day. We spent the night in Zurich, and early the next morning left to take a series of trains to Tirano, Italy, across the Swiss Alps.

> Bernina Pass, to Tirano and back

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